Archaeology Requirements
The Archaeology Minor
Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the minor must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.7)
Six units, including:
Two courses, chosen from:
Four additional courses, chosen from:
ANTH101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH279 Selected Topics in Anthropology (may be counted depending on the topic)
ANTH290 Cultural Theory
ARCH220 Introduction to Archaeology
ARCH310 Archaeology of Death
ARTH121 Survey I: Prehistory through the Middle Ages
ARTH209 Medieval African Art
ARTH210 Late Antique and Byzantine Art
ARTH212 Medieval European Art
ARTH322 Seminar in Museum Studies
BIOL199 Mesoamerican Ethnobotany
CLSC212 Dining and Drinking in Classical Antiquity
CLSC232 Daily Life in Roman Pompei
CLSC301 Greek Art and Archaeology
CLSC302 Roman Art and Archaeology
CLSC320 Cultural Property: Archaeology, Ethics, and Law
CLSC321 Archaeology of the Middle East
CLSC398 Special Topics, depending on the subject and approval of the minor program coordinator
GEOG260 Foundations of Geospatial Analysis
GEOG365 Advanced Spatial Analysis
LING252 Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics
Up to three units of archaeological field school transfer credit and/or study-abroad archaeology courses, with approval of the minor program coordinator, may apply to the archaeology minor. Up to two units of archaeologically-focused independent study (CLSC499), with approval of the minor program coordinator may apply to the archaeology minor. Students are expected to fulfill all prerequisites necessary for courses within the minor. Prerequisites do not count toward the minor unless otherwise noted.