Scholarships & Awards

The following scholarships are awarded annually to majors in the Department of Classical Studies. The value of the awards vary from year to year; the most recent award amount is noted.

Department Scholarships

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  • Amy Karr Kratz Scholarship

    Established in 1986 by Katherine Sergeant Newby, WC’34, in honor of her aunt, Amy Karr Kratz, RC’12. The Kratz Scholarship is restricted to full-time students of Westhampton College who are Latin majors. The award is presented by the Alumni Association, upon recommendation of the Department of Classical Studies.

    For 2024-25, the award is $8,650.

  • Mary Selma Dunn Pierson Scholarship

    Given by O.O. Pierson "in highest honor of and with beautiful memories of his dear and precious wife, Mary Selma Dunn Pierson, a graduate of and distinguished Latin teacher at Marshall University, class of 1928." The scholarship is open to all Latin majors and is awarded by the Department of Classical Studies.

    For 2024-25, the award is $29,180. It may be divided if multiple candidates are identified.

  • Pauline Turnbull Scholarship

    Established in 1980 by Carolyn and Kenneth Shaver in memory of their aunt, Pauline Turnbull. Miss Turnbull came to Westhampton College in 1916 as assistant registrar and secretary to the dean, May L. Keller. She later became a professor of Latin and art history. This scholarship is restricted to Westhampton College students who are classical civilization, Latin, or Greek majors. It is awarded by the Alumni Association upon recommendation of the Department of Classical Studies.

    For 2024-25, the award is $16,970. It may be divided if multiple candidates are identified.

Summer Travel Grant

The Department of Classical Studies offers the Gertrude Howland Summer Grant to support the participation of outstanding Classics and Archaeology students in non-credit experiential learning programs exploring the ancient cultures represented in the Ancient World Gallery (Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and neighboring cultures). Eligible programs include the summer seminars of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens and the American Academy in Rome, and archaeological field schools throughout the Mediterranean region, but other programs may be eligible, as well

Senior awards

Two awards are also given annually, if merit so dictates, to graduating seniors studying Latin and Greek. Those awards are:
  • The Mary Madison Bowen Award for Excellence in Latin
  • The Tanner Medal for Excellence in Greek