Classical Civilization

  • Major

    The Classical Civilization Major

    Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the major must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.7).

    Nine units, including:

    • CLSC306 The Classical Tradition (or approved CLSC substitute)

    • CLCV498 Major Seminar

    • Seven units selected from courses offered by the Department of Classical Studies or approved courses in related fields.

  • Minor

    The Classical Civilization Minor

    Note: No course grade below C- (1.7) will count toward the minor.

    Five units selected from courses offered by the Department of Classical Studies (excluding courses in Greek and Latin) or approved courses in related fields, of which three must be in the Department of Classical Studies.

    Students are expected to fulfill all prerequisites necessary for courses within the major or minor. Prerequisites do not count toward the major or minor unless otherwise noted.