
A number of resources are available to broaden students’ knowledge in their study of the ancient Mediterranean world.

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  • Ancient World Gallery
  • Classics-Philosophy Study and Library

    With its den-quality furnishings, the Classics-Philosophy Study and Library (Humanities Building,4th Floor, Room 409) is a place where you will feel at home reading, preparing for class, or talking with classmates and teachers. The collection of texts, translations, scholarly books, and wall-to-wall floor-to-ceiling oak shelves have been funded by the generous donations of classical studies alumni.

  • Howland Summer Grant

    Classics students are eligible for the Gertrude Howland Summer Grant, to support their participation in an archaeological field school or summer academic program in the Mediterranean region.

  • Library Research Guide

    Subject librarians at the University of Richmond Libraries maintain discipline-specific research guides for every academic course of study offered through the School of Arts & Sciences. Students in the Department of Classical Studies can contact the subject librarian directly, view top-recommended resources, and conduct discipline-specific searches of databases and websites. In addition, subject librarians frequently highlight new titles related to the academic field.

  • UR Archaeology

    This site holds information about archaeological work conducted by University of Richmond students, fieldwork opportunities, archaeology lectures, and news and events related to archaeology.

  • American School of Classical Studies at Athens

    The University of Richmond is a Cooperating Institution of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, which offers summer programs and summer seminars to advanced undergraduates. Our current students and alumni are eligible for a fee reduction for use of the School’s facilities in Greece.

  • Professional Organizations